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HELM Audio headphone discount program available to all Frontline Heroes through ID.me verification which includes Nurses, Doctors, First Responders (police, fire, rescue), active Military & Veterans stationed in the US.

A message from Justin Buro, surgery resident at Stony Borok University Hospital.

From Justin Buro:

HELM Audio headphone discount program available to all Frontline Heroes through ID.me verification which includes Nurses, Doctors, First Responders (police, fire, rescue), active Military & Veterans stationed in the US."My name is Justin Buro and I am one of the surgery residents currently assigned to working on the Covid-19 floors at Stony Brook University Hospital which is located just a short distance from New York City. For close to two months now I have been working the night shift at the hospital, for which many of us were told within less than 24 hours notice to report for. Many of us are serving in roles way beyond our capabilities and way outside of our chosen specialty. Despite being a surgical resident and pneumonia being very outside my specialty, I am working day and night to support my patients and fellow colleagues in battling this devastating pandemic. This is truly an unprecedented time with completely unanticipated effects on my relationship with family and friends. This has been an incredibly tough time and I have always been one who turns to music as a source of comfort and relaxation. Currently the new album Pink by Two Feet and Brol by Angèle has been an incredible source of calm and happiness for me and helps get me through the day."

Learn more about our headphone discount program available to all Frontline Heroes through ID.me verification which includes Nurses, Doctors, First Responders (police, fire, rescue), active Military & Veterans stationed in the US

Also in Hero Stories

HELM Audio headphone discount program available to all Frontline Heroes through ID.me verification which includes Nurses, Doctors, First Responders (police, fire, rescue), active Military & Veterans stationed in the US.
A message from the cancer surviving father of an RN.

My daughter is a front line worker who is sacrificing everything to serve the patients at her facility, it does however make our relationship very difficult to maintain as I am a cancer survivor with a very compromised immune system...

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HELM Audio headphone discount program available to all Frontline Heroes through ID.me verification which includes Nurses, Doctors, First Responders (police, fire, rescue), active Military & Veterans stationed in the US.
Challenges of providing chemotherapy treatment during COVID-19.

My coworkers and I are continuing to provide chemotherapy treatment to pediatric patients. At this time we are only allowing one caregiver with the patient per visit...

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HELM Audio headphone discount program available to all Frontline Heroes through ID.me verification which includes Nurses, Doctors, First Responders (police, fire, rescue), active Military & Veterans stationed in the US.
RN Jillian Jill on nursing during COVID-19.

With the uncertainty of COVID-19, we are putting ourselves on the frontline caring for others. We are praying we don’t bring the virus home with us to our own family...

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